02/28/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Training

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Training

Pound for Pound Champ Test

Max reps bench press at bodyweight

* if you do not have at least 5 reps at body weight you will do a 5×5 at sub maximal weights

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


7 min AMRAP:
Starting at 3 reps and increasing by 3 reps each round of:

Box jump overs 24/20
Russian Kb swings 70/44
Ring dips

Coaches Notes:

Pride… it’s a very powerful motivator:)  I know many of you are ready to bench your body weight, but ego can also get in the way when we pride takes over.  So, if you can’t do it today, you’ll be one step closer next time around.

Focus on keeping those arms close to your body on the ring dips.   The weight is no joke for your KB swings, but remember they are “Russian style” if you will, meaning the bell only needs to come up to your chin in height or parallel to the floor.   So, no worries about going over head today.  It’s always best to do your swings this way first when upping the weight to stay safe.

Be sure to dead lift the KB as you pick it up.  Injuries are most likely to happen picking the kettlebell up or when putting it down.  Don’t relax until it is on the ground.

Note  you’ll be doing “Box Jump Overs” and not just box jumps.  So, your feet cannot touch the box.  For those with Jumpboxaphobia,  we’ll have you comfortable and scale as needed.  But, we’ll also work on that phobia because it’s real for many!

Have fun!

~Coach Brad