05/30/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Gym

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Gym

Back Squat (3 rm)

Metcon (Time)


For time:
Power Snatches, 15 reps (95/65#)
Rest 2 minutes
Power Snatches, 12 reps (95/65#)
Rest 2 minutes
Power Snatches, 9 reps (95/65#)

Cash Out 800 Meter Run

Coaches’ Notes:

As far as snatch technique videos go, the link below is always my go to footy (footage for all you non former teenage punk skaters) when referencing the snatch. Today’s WOD only requires power snatch (above parallel) but much of the rules still apply. The link below is part 1 of a 3 part series featuring one of USA’s top Olympic weightlifting coaches Mr Glenn Pendlay. Enjoy Barbell Fiends

Coach Jerry