2/12/22 CrossFit near Philadelphia

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

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PVC “Circle of Doom!”

Then, 2 Rounds:

20 Mt. Climbers

5/5 DB Up Downs

5 Scap Pull Ups + 5 Ring Rows

Then, 2 Rounds:

100m Run

5/5 DB Power Cleans

5 Kipping Swings or Hollow Rocks + 5 Kipping Pull Ups OR Jumping Pull Ups

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


25 Min AMRAP:

12 DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean (50/35)

400m Run

12 DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean

30 Pull-Ups

*Partner 1 Works while P2 Rests. Split work as needed to complete the movements. Partners run the 400m together.

Goal (Fittest) → 5 rounds for fittest! Loads will eat at their hamstrings and make running a challenge, but even though these athletes’ runs may slow, they make up ground by keeping their Pull-Up sets mostly unbroken.

Goal (All) → Looking for 4 rounds today! Major theme will be minding the posterior chain fatigue and everyone ensuring their low backs are braced and in position before taking the DB’s off of the floor each time. Grip can also become a factor between holding onto the DB’s and holding onto the rig. Pull-Ups should be kept to 3 sets max. Goal is to keep rounds under 6:00.


25 Min AMRAP:

12 DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean (30/20)

200-400m Run

12 DB Up-Down Devil’s Clean

30 Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows