3/4/22 CrossFit near Philadelphia

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

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Pizza Delivery!

Then 2 Rounds:

10 JJ

8 Med Ball G2O

10 Alt. High Plank Shoulder Taps

8 Russian Twists (L + R = 1 Rep)

4 DBL KB Deadlifts + :10 Farmers Hold

Farmer’s Carry (1 x 2 Lengths)

-15 min to find challenging weight for 2 lengths of gym floor!

-Always starts with a perfect deadlift!

Metcon (No Measure)

10 Min EMOM:

MIN 1 — AMRAP of 4 Mt. Climbers* + 4 MB Ground to Overhead (20/14)(RX+40/25)

MIN 2 — :50 Cardio Choice @ Moderate Effort (Row, Bike, Run, or Up-Downs)

*L+R = 1 Rep. Can rest hands on Med Ball or floor, athlete choice.

(Rest 3:00)

10 Min EMOM:

MIN 1 — AMRAP of 4 MB Sit-ups + 4 Lateral Ball Slams**

MIN 2 — :50 Cardio Choice @ Moderate Effort (Row, Bike, Run, or Up-Downs)

** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKsshoobH2E

Break a nice, easy sweat, but don’t overdue it….CrossFit Open Workout 22.2 tomorrow!

Goal (Fittest) → Approach for today’s workout depends on how you are considering handling the Open. If you want a great workout today…push the cardio today and go fast on all the other movements. Aim to get into 4 Rounds or more during AMRAPs. The effort should be on keeping the intensity high and fast transitions. If you want a prep workout to stay fresh for tomorrow…go through the motions and move for quality the entire workout.

Goal (All) → Focus on quality and a challenging pace, and aim to get into 3 Rounds during AMRAPs. The effort should be on the quality of the movement even when they start to feel the fatigue. If your goal is to be 100% for tomorrow…go through the motions and move for quality the entire workout.

Use Med Ball (14/10)

Sub Bodyweight Sit Ups for MB Sit Ups!

Break a nice, easy sweat, but don’t overdue it….CrossFit Open Workout 22.2 tomorrow!