Author Archives: adminCF

11/2/22 CrossFit Cherry Hill, NJ

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


1 Round:

5 Up/Down Dog

20 Alt. Crossbody Mt. Climbers

10 KB Sumo Deadlift

10 BW Russian Twists

Then, 1 Round:

10 Alt. KB Around the World

10 Up-Downs

10 Alt. Sit Out & Press

10 MB G2OH

Then, 1 Round:

3/3 BW or KB Windmills

5 Inch Worms

7 Burpees

9 KB Swings



Turkish Get Up (Build to a challenging 1L/1R!)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Min AMRAP:

25 Alt. Lateral Ball Slams (20/14)

20 Up-Downs

15 KB Sumo Deadlift (53/35)(RX+70/53)

10 KB Swings

PERFORMANCE GOAL → Athletes aiming for performance should shoot for 5-5.5+ rounds. Get uncomfortable on the Lateral Ball Slams and Up-Downs, and unbroken on all the KB reps.

FITNESS GOAL → Athletes here should aim for 4-4.5 rounds. Focus on hitting a sustainable challenging effort the whole way through…think 75-80%. Choose a weight that allows for unbroken reps on the KB movements.


20 Min AMRAP:

20 Alt. Lateral Ball Slams (14/10)

15 Up-Downs

10 KB Sumo Deadlift (35/26)

10 KB Swings

11/1/22 CrossFit South Jersey

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


20 HK

20 BK

20 Mt. Climbers

50m Walk on Heels

50m Walk on Toes

Then, 2 Rounds:

12 DBL DB Seesaw Row

30 Single Unders (RD2: DU/Attempts)

6/6 DB Goblet Split Squat

6 Hand Release Push-Ups


Bench Press (5-5-5-5-5)


Metcon (Time)

FOR TIME (20:00 cap):

800m Run

100 DU

30 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges (35/20)(RX+50/35)

15 DB Renegade Rows*

400m Run

75 DU

20 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges

10 DB Renegade Rows

200m Run

50 DU

10 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges

5 DB Renegade Rows

*1 Rep= Push-Up + Row (R) + Row (L)

PERFORMANCE GOAL → Should be shooting for 17:00 minutes or less today. This would mean we are keeping the Runs under 4:00, 2:00, and 1:00 minute. Limited number of Sets needed for the Double Unders. All DB Farmer Lunges unbroken and DB Renegade Rows completed under 2 Sets.

FITNESS GOAL → Look to complete between 18:00 – 20:00 minutes on the day. Runs should be right at 4:00, 2:00 and 1:00 minute. Try to complete the Double Unders in no more than 4,3, and 2 Sets. Both DB movements should be done in 2 Sets.

FOR TIME (20:00 cap):

600m Run

50 DU or 100 DU Taps or 100 SU

30 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges (20/15)

15 DB Renegade Rows*

300m Run

35 DU or 75 DU Taps or 75 SU

20 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges

10 DB Renegade Rows

100m Run

25 DU or 50 DU Taps or 50 SU

10 Alt. DB Farmer Lunges

5 DB Renegade Rows

*1 Rep= Push-Up + Row (R) + Row (L)

10/30/22 CrossFit Sunday Sweat – Home WOD!

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


1:00 Cardio Choice

10 Alt. Cossack Squats

:30 Quadruped Crawl

:30 Reverse Quadruped Crawl

Then, 3 Min EMOM:

7 Burpees into Max Single Unders


Metcon (No Measure)

EVERY 4:00 x 4 SETS

30 Alt. Skater Hops

20 Alt Sit-Thrus

10 Burpees + Extra Push-Up

Max Hollow Rocks

-No Additional Rest b/t Sets-

Cool Down


2:00 Down Dog

2:00 Twisted Cross (R)

2:00 Seated Fold Forward

2:00 Twisted Cross (L)

2:00 Pigeon (1:00 each side)

1:00 Standing Knee Hug (R)

1:00 Standing Knee Hug (L)

10/29/22 OPEN GYM ONLY 9-11AM

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


1 Round:

:30 Row (Easy-Moderate Pace)

8 Alt. Box Step Overs

8 MB Push Press to Target

4 Air Squats + 4 Narrow-Stance Squats

8 Sumo-Stance Good Mornings (PVC or Empty Bar)

Then, 1 Round:

:30 Row (Moderate+ Pace)

6 Box Jump Overs

3/3 Lateral Step-Downs*

6 Wall Balls

6 Sumo Deadlifts (PVC or Empty Bar)

*Starting at the top of the Box, lower down with control on one leg. Reset at the top of the box for each rep.


Metcon (Time)



180 Cal Row

150 Wall Balls (20/14)

120 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

80 Alt. Pistols

40 Sumo Deadlifts (185/135)

*P1 works while P2 rests. Split work as Needed. Start at any movement and complete the rest of the movements in any order you choose. Must complete the allotted amount of reps before moving to the next movement of choice.

PERFORMANCE GOAL → These athletes will push the pace and push each other! Big strokes on the rower, aiming for a 1:1 ratio of Calories to strokes. Big sets on the Wall Balls, Box Jump Overs, and Pistols. They’ll make quick work of the heavier Sumo Deadlifts.

FITNESS GOAL → Athletes in this category will find a consistent pace and rely on each other when rest is needed. They’ll also aim for big strokes on the rower and look to break up all other movements into manageable sets. Keep technique sharp and focused!




130 Cal Row

150 Wall Balls (14/10)

120 Box Jump/Step Overs (18/12)

80 Alt. Pistols to Box (“Single Leg Box Squats”) or Air Squats

40 Sumo Deadlifts (115/80)

10/27/22 – CrossFit Haddonfield Collingswood

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


8 MIN EMOM (:40 ON / :20 OFF)

MIN 1 – Up-Downs

MIN 2 – Alt. Box Step-Overs

MIN 3 – Ring Rows

MIN 4 – Alt. Lunges

MIN 5 – Burpees

MIN 6 – Box Jumps

MIN 7 – Jumping Pull-Ups

MIN 8 – Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat

Then 1 Round:

1:00 Thoracic Mobility

1:00 Front Rack Mobility

5 Hang Muscle Cleans (empty bar)

:30 Bottom of Front Squat Hold* (empty bar)

*Beginners: Bottom of DB FS Hold.


Front Squat (5-5-5-5)

This is a Deload Week. Start Light and build to Moderate (about 70-75% of 1RM).

(Week 8 of 9)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min AMRAP:

10 Pull Ups

10 Alt. Front Rack Lunges (95/65)(RX+135/95)

10 C2B Pull Ups

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

PERFORMANCE GOAL → Athletes in this category should be completing 5-6+ Rounds on the day. Both Pull-Up variations should be mostly unbroken, if not 2 very quick sets. Heavier load on the Lunges, but make sure they stay unbroken. Burpee Box Jump Overs should be tall and fast!

FITNESS GOAL → These athletes should aim to complete 4-4.5+ Rounds. Keep the Pull-Up variations to 2-3 Sets or less. Should be able to move fairly consistently and unbroken through the other 2 movements.


15 Min AMRAP:

10 Ring Rows

10 Alt. Front Rack Lunges (65/45) or DB Goblet Lunges (30/20)

10 Jumping Pull Ups or Band-Assisted Pull Ups

10 Up-Down Box Jump Overs (18/12)

10/25/22 CrossFit near Philadelphia

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


200m Run

10 Paused Jump Squats

8 PVC Cuban Press

Then, 2 Rounds w/ PVC or Empty Bar:


3 Clean High Pull

3 Muscle Cleans

10 Alt. Elbow Punches

3 Thrusters

3 Jerks (Hold catch :02)


Clean and Jerk (2-2-2-2)

This is a Deload Week. Start Light and build to Moderate (about 70-75% of 1RM). Option to Power or Squat Clean.

(Week 8 of 9)


Metcon (Time)


4 Rounds:

7 Bear Complex* (75/55)(RX+115/75)

400m Run

*1 Bear Complex = 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Press + 1 Back Squat + 1 Push Press

PERFORMANCE GOAL → Athletes in this category should be shooting for 13:00 – 14:00 or less. Runs should be fast and under 2:00 minutes. Bear Complex should be Unbroken and under 1:00.

FITNESS GOAL → These athletes should aim for 14:00 – 16:00 today. Keeping the Bear Complex to no more than 2 Sets. Technique is key! Aim for the Run to be done at 2:00 or just under 2:10.


4 Rounds:

5 Bear Complex (55/40)

200m Run
Last seen 4/15/22

10/24/22 CrossFit South Jersey

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


2 Rounds:

:30 Single Unders (RD2: High Jump Singles)

10 Alt. Tuck-Ups

8 Ring Rows

8 Alt. Box Step-Ups

1 Round:

:20 DU

10 V-Ups

6 Kipping Swings or Hollow Rocks

8 Alt. DB Goblet Box Step-Ups



Intermediate/Advanced Athletes…

1.) 6 Min EMOM:

MIN 1 – 5-7 Kipping Swings

MIN 2 – 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups

*Complete on Bar or Rings.

2.) 3 SETS:

1 Kipping Swing


1 Kipping Hips to Bar/Ring


1 Muscle-Up


3-5 Feet-Elevated Ring Rows

3-5 Low Ring/Bar MU Transitions

Jumping MU


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 Min AMRAP:

40 DU

20 Alt. V-Ups

10 Alt. DB Box Step-Ups (35/20)(RX+50/35)|(24/20”)

*Every 1:30 including 0:00 complete 1 Muscle-Up (RX+ Burpee MU).

PERFORMANCE GOAL → These athletes should aim for 7-8+ rounds, rarely tripping up on Double Unders and trying for unbroken V-Ups. Keep the Step-Ups unbroken to really pull away from the pack. The Burpee Muscle Up should take :10 or less.

FITNESS GOAL → Athletes in this category should aim for 5-6+ rounds. DU proficiency will be important today, along with grip strength to keep the Step-Ups unbroken or to two quick sets. The MU option of choice should take no more than :20.


18 Min AMRAP:

20 DU, 40 DU Taps, or 40 Singles

20 Alt. Tuck-Ups

10 Alt. DB Box Step-Ups (20/15)|(18/12”)

*Every 1:30 including 0:00 complete 1 Jumping MU or Up-Down Pull Up.


Week 2 of 4 — “Chad” Extra Credit


400/300 Alt. Box Step-Ups (24/20)*

*Weight Vest Optional

(No Measure)

10/23/22 CrossFit Sunday Sweat – Home WOD!

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


2:00 Run, Bike, or Row

Then 8 Min EMOM:

Min 1 – Jumping Jacks

Min 2 – Alt. SA KB/DB Deadlift

Min 3 – Crossbody Mt. Climbers

Min 4 – KB/DB Front Rack March


Metcon (Distance)

EVERY 4:00 x 5 SETS

1:00 Cardio Choice

1:00 KB/DB Suitcase Carry (R)

1:00 Cardio Choice

1:00 KB/DB Suitcase Carry (R)

(Score is Total Distance Carried)

Cool Down


2:00 Pigeon (1:00 each side)

2:00 Saddle

2:00 Dragon (1:00 each side)

2:00 Seated Fold Forward

2:00 Rebound

CrossFit – Sat, Oct 22

Beacon MMA & CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


1 Round:

:45 Row (Easy Pace)


8 Air Squats

10 Tuck-Ups

8 PVC Sotts Press

10 Alt. Piked Shoulder Taps

8 KB Dealifts

Then, 2 Rounds w/ PVC or Empty Bar:

4 Hang Muscle Snatch

4 OH Squats (Pause :02)

6 Alt. SA KB Swings

2 Wall Walks


Overhead Squat (3 x 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM)

*Tempo @ 32X1


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


19 Min AMRAP:

12 Cal Row

10 KB Swings (53/35)(RX+70/53)

8 Strict HSPU

10 KB Swings

12 Cal Row

*Partners will alternate MOVEMENTS to complete each full round. Ex: P1 does 12 Cal Row, then P2 does 10 KB Swings, P1 does 8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups, etc. One partner works, while the other rests.

PERFORMANCE GOAL → Goal for these athletes will be to complete a round every 3:30-4:00. This means they are finishing the row in :45 or faster, completing their swings unbroken, and taking 2-3 sets to finish their HSPU.

FITNESS GOAL → This group of athletes should strive to finish a round every 4:00-4:45. Their Cals should take about :45-1:00 to complete and their swings will also be unbroken…maybe 2 sets as the workout progresses. HSPU will be the toughest challenge taking about 3-4 sets to complete.



19 Min AMRAP:

10 Cal Row

10 KB Swings (35/26)

8 Pike Push Ups or DB Strict Press (30/20)

10 KB Swings

10 Cal Row

*Partners will alternate MOVEMENTS to complete each full round. Ex: P1 does 10 Cal Row, then P2 does 10 KB Swings, P1 does 8 Pike Push Ups/DB Strict Press, etc. One partner works, while the other rests.