11/29/2016 Cherry Hill CrossFit Workouts

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


2 Rounds of:

5 med ball cleans

5 med ball squats

:15 dead hang on pull up bar

10 push ups

10 V-ups

:30 each side front rack stretch with band attached to rig


Misfit Clean Complex x 5 Power Clean, Push Jerk, Front Squat, Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk (AHAP)

Watch https://vimeo.com/54688710

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

40 Knees To Elbows (rx+t2b)

50 Squat Clean Wall Balls (20/14) (rx+ aim for just above wall ball target. Clear the target)

60 Deficit Push ups (rx+ on 45lb plates)
Accessory- Kipping on rings. Y’all did great at this a couple weeks back and it’s time to give it another go. I’m quite confident we’ll see some first time muscle ups take place. For some of those who are getting the hips close to the rings with your body’s parallel to the floor, feel that float. When you are at that stage in your kip, you are ready to go for it. Don’t be over anxious in going for the muscle up. If your kip is not good enough, wait. If it is there, float into a full MU.