02/21/2017 CrossFit in Cherry Hill NJ

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


100m Row

10 Light KB High Pulls

10 Light Goblet Squats w/ KB

10 Scap Pull Ups

10 Squats


Back Squat

Back Squats w/ Speed

1×10 @40%

1×8 @60%

1×6 @70%

1×4 @80% (no speed on this set)

1×3 @90% (no speed on this set)

Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD

3 rounds for time:

250m Row Sprint

Kettlebell Front Rack Hold 2×44/35 Rx+52/44

One partner will start on the rower and one will start performing a static hold. If at any point the static hold is lost, the person rowing must pause and wait until the static hold position is regained before continuing. Alternate rowing and static hold until both partners have completed 3 full rounds.


Do first if waiting for rower

Each Partner- 2 Max reps touch and go Sumo Deadlift High Pull attempts 75/55 Rx+95/65

Followed by…

Together, both partners must work to complete 30 Pull Ups total (broken up in however the partners decide) AFAP Rx+ Rings to Chest Pull Ups