04/30/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Classes

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Classes

Ring Rows (4×12)

Four sets of:
Ring Rows x 12 reps
Good Mornings x 6reps
Rest 2 mins

Metcon (Time)


Three rounds for time of:

15 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

Coaches’ Notes:

Over this past weekend while most of us normies were chilling out maxin relaxing all cool ( if you don’t know what that means, ask a friend, and after they slap you watch some fresh prince) we had some of our athletes pounding the pavement.
CrossFit Marathon
Mekalla, Kristin, Katie aka teach and Jenna compete in the DC The Nike all woman’s half marathon for Leukemia and lymphoma. Before we talk about how well they did, most importantly they raised more then 3500 for LLS, so thank you to the athletes who ran for an honorable cause and to anyone who donated from Daddis Fight camps, Crossfit Turbo/Supercharged, or family and friends.
As far as the race goes, a few months ago Mek told me she was gonna run a half marathon, in the midst of her weightlifting programming in which you get to sit in a chair in between sets, so to her to step outside her comfort zone and complete and endurance competition shows great strength and confidence.
Luckily she had an awesome running partner who stuck with her for every mile. Katie aka “Teach” who already in the past month completed 2 half marathons (both pr’s) and a CrossFit competition in which she cleaned 100 lbs decided, “Hey F*#k it I’ll do another one” these are her words not mine. JK JK she is polite as a peach ( that doesn’t make sense but I’m going old school type writer style, once the ink is on the page it’s to late).
They both finished just a shade under 3 hours with a 10 min bathroom break. Who knew that at an all woman’s half marathon there would be a long line for the bathroom. Kristin who has a bladder made of iron finished roughly ten minutes prior.
Also one of our OG athletes Jenna Shultz ran as well for a time of 1:42, for a 7 min pr. Jenna has taken a break training with us for school and cheerleading, but word on the streets is she is coming back soon. Every week it seems like we have an athlete competing in one event or another, and it’s the day to day grind where they get 1% better per training session that results In their desired results. Keep training hard errrrry body.
Mek I’ll see you back on the platform soon. Next up is a Olympic weightlifting comp.
-Coach Jerry