05/17/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

Double-Unders (Followed by 2 min double under test)

Metcon (Time)


7 thrusters 115/85
800 meter run
7 thrusters 115/85
400 meter run 115/85
7 thrusters 115/85
200 meter run
7 thrusters 115/85

Coaches’ Notes:

For the next couple of weeks I am gonna be on a mission to get everyone better at double unders.

Not having this skill, especially in competition will leave you far behind the rest of the athletes.

You will see it as skill work but I want people practicing on there own until that weakness is now one of your strengths.

Watch this video of, as the title states, worlds best jump roper.

I think I saw Rey in the background hiding behind one of the statues taking notes.