11/18/19 CrossFit Classes near Philadelphia

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

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3 Rounds:

:30 Row

10 Up down to plate

5 Pause Jump Squats

7 Ring Rows → 7 Kipping Swings → 7 Kipping Pull-up

Then 2 Rounds 5 Reps w/ Empty Bar:

Good Mornings

Back Squats

BTN Strict Press

BTN Push Press

OH Squats w/ :02 pause

Overhead Squat (3-3-3-3-3)

Build to a heavy triple!

*Pause :02 first two reps.

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds (16:00 time cap):

25 Cal Row

15 Burpees to Plate

7 Bar Muscle-Ups

*Scale where necessary to keep each round to 4 minutes

15 Cal Row

10 Burpees to Plate or Up-Downs

5 Pull Ups or Jumping Pull-ups