2/12/20 CrossFit near Philadelphia

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

P1: Row (Moderate Pace)

P2: Completes (then athletes switch!)

8 Alt. Groiners

8 Scap Push Ups

8 Scap Pull Ups

-Rest 1:00-

2 Rounds:

P1: Row (Moderate to Fast Pace)

P2: Completes (then athletes switch!)

8 RDL’s

8 Muscle Cleans

8 Alt. Elbow Punches

8 Hang Power Cleans

Muscle-ups (*10 minutes of practice/progressions!)


10 Min EMOM

-MIN 1: :15 Elevated Ring Rows: feet on the box at shoulder level

POPs: Touch thumbs to chest or shoulders each rep. Keep body hollow. No “kipping” of the hips to help.

-MIN 2: :20 Low Ring Leg Assist Muscle-up Drill

POPs: Keep your feet directly underneath you and use your legs as little as possible. Focus on the idea of pulling the rings to the chest and then tucking the thumbs under the armpits. The point here is coordination practice, not fatigue.

Intermediate-Advanced (2-3 MUs):

10 Min EMOM

-MIN 1: :15 False grip top of pull-up, hold rings with hollow position

POPs: Grab the rings in your palms then rolling your wrist over the ring so that the area where your wrist meets the pad below your pinkie finger is holding your weight. JUMP INTO THE HOLD POSITION (don’t do a pull-up every time). Try to keep thumbs to shoulders during entire hold.

-MIN 2: :20 Jumping Muscle-up

POPs: Focus on lowering and slowly controlling the eccentric. Make it burn a little. This is a coordination and strength-building drill.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

7 Min AMRAP:

1-2-3-4…(continue increasing by 1 each round)

Muscle Ups

2-4-6-8..(continue increasing by 2 each round)

Hang Power Clean (155/105)

-Rest 3:00-

5 Min AMRAP:

Pick-Up Where You Left Off!

*Sub Burpee Pull Ups or Pull Ups for MU.

*Hang Power Clean (75/50) or Sub DB Hang Power Clean (20/15) or KB Swing (26/18).