04/03/2017 CrossFit Workouts CHerry Hill, Haddonfield, Collingswood NJ

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


Complex of every movement in the Tabata w/ an empty barbell (2 rounds of 5 of each)

2×10 Push Ups

:30 Dead Hang From Bar


Bench Press

Metcon (No Measure)

Tabata Barbell

Tabata Deadlift (185/135) (Rx+225/155)

Tabata Hang Power Clean (135/95) (Rx+155/105)

Tabata front squat (95/65) (Rx+135/95)

Tabata push press (65/45) (Rx+95/65)
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals aka 4 minutes. Rest one minute between exercises. Scaled #1 do 6 Intervals