1/25/17 CrossFit Turbocharged

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit


10 Banded Good Mornings

10 Jump Lunges

10 Sit-ups

10 Spiderman Push Ups

Deadlift (Heavy set of 5-7)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 minute AMRAP:

50 Double Unders (90 second cap…meaning stop at 90 no matter what and move on)

15 Deadlifts (225/155 or 185/135)

3 minute AMRAP:

50 Double Unders (90 second cap…meaning stop at 90 no matter what and move on)

15 Deadlifts (225/155 or 185/135)

15 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP:

50 Double Unders (90 second cap)

10 Deadlifts (275 or 225/185 or 155)

10 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP:

50 Double Unders (90 second cap)

5 Deadlifts (315 or 275/225 or 185)

5 Burpees

Rx+ only add 1 more 3 minute AMRAP after 2 minute rest:

50 Double Unders (90 second cap)

3 Deadlifts (340/315)

30 Cals on Rower

Accessory Work

1 Max Hollow Body Hold (Fight for it! Fight the burn!)