04/07/2014 Best CrossFit in South New Jersey

CrossFit Turbocharged – Best CrossFit in South New Jersey

Clean and Jerk (In 12 minutes, build to a 3-RM)

Metcon (Time)


21-15-9 for time of:

Buy In: 5 Wall Walks

Knees to elbow
Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
Box Jumps 24/20

Cash Out: 5 Wall Walks

Coaches Notes:

What a turn out for our first Yoga For CrossFit Class! This proves that you guys are serious about your GPP and that you will not scrimp on your mobility training. One of my favorite things about Yoga is the sheer amount of benefits you get out of it. The flexibility aspect is just one of a dozen benefits that I can think of off of the top of my head.

I’m hoping (and assuming:) that you all felt great after the class. Big thanks Justin Reilly and Lauren Daddis (name sounds familiar hmmm…) for their instruction and for bringing their knowledge and enthusiasm to teach it to CrossFit Supercharged (and hopefully soon to be at CrossFit Turbocharged!).

Check out this pic of Justin rockin’ a crazy hard pose (one that looks like it might have taken a slight amount of practice LOL. There are some crazy poses both of these instructors do out there on the web).

Yoga for CrossFit Philadelphia

Here is a great pic from today’s class. Oh, don’t be hard on yourself if you are looking at yourself in the image and are disappointed with your technique. It was day 1! You are going to be great and with the determination, mindset and physical attributes of a CrossFitter, your learning curve is likely to be quicker than that of a typical new Yoga student.

yoga for crossfit in philadelphia

What else… oh, exciting news regarding the Throwdown… we’ve decided to make it a partner Throwdown! If you don’t know what that means or are concerned that you wouldn’t have a partner, no worries. We will fill you guys in this week with details. But, this format is a ton of fun.

Can’t forget to congratulate those who did the half marathon today. The Katie’s, Jen’s, Rey’s, Rosa’s etc… (forgive me if I am missing anyone) continue to inspire and aspire to set goals and reach them. And, for good causes. I’m sure they’ll be glad to know tomorrow isn’t back squats for strength (not that C n J’s are easy on the legs lol). It’s always harder to squat with spaghetti legs after an even like that.

Okay guys, have fun with this WOD and remember, strong active shoulders and good connectivity during the Knees to Elbows. Don’t forget, the “Buy In” and “Cash Out” are included in your time!

Here is a quick link on how to do your Wall Walks. Keep in mind that we are in the process of adding a new wall for handstand push ups etc and to not let yourself get tripped up on the lip of the wood.

Okay you killers… get after it.

~Coach Brad Daddis