Tag Archives: South Jersey Crossfit

05/01/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

WOD 1:

Two sets for max reps of:

60 seconds of Squat Clean & Jerk (165/110 lb)
Rest 60 seconds between efforts

Rest 3 mins

WOD 2:

2 mins max double unders

Rest 3 mins

WOD 3:

3 rounds of:

35 Sit-Ups
400 Meter Run

Coaches’ Notes:

Part of today’s WOD we have 2 max effort sets of 165 clean n jerk.
The first thing I thought of was the last event in the 2008 crossfit games, which was 30 squat clean n jerks ( I guess thrusters counted as well).
This final wod was set up that whoever finished first won the games. They did this by time delay letting the person who was first before the final event start at minute zero and followed In order by rank.
As it turns out Jason Khalipa who know one knew at the time (2nd place last year as well) came out of know where to steal the show. Funny thing is I think he won fifty bucks for 1st place, the 2013 winner got 275,000 clams.
I’d say this whole CrossFit thing is onto something.

04/30/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Classes

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Classes

Ring Rows (4×12)

Four sets of:
Ring Rows x 12 reps
Good Mornings x 6reps
Rest 2 mins

Metcon (Time)


Three rounds for time of:

15 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

Coaches’ Notes:

Over this past weekend while most of us normies were chilling out maxin relaxing all cool ( if you don’t know what that means, ask a friend, and after they slap you watch some fresh prince) we had some of our athletes pounding the pavement.
CrossFit Marathon
Mekalla, Kristin, Katie aka teach and Jenna compete in the DC The Nike all woman’s half marathon for Leukemia and lymphoma. Before we talk about how well they did, most importantly they raised more then 3500 for LLS, so thank you to the athletes who ran for an honorable cause and to anyone who donated from Daddis Fight camps, Crossfit Turbo/Supercharged, or family and friends.
As far as the race goes, a few months ago Mek told me she was gonna run a half marathon, in the midst of her weightlifting programming in which you get to sit in a chair in between sets, so to her to step outside her comfort zone and complete and endurance competition shows great strength and confidence.
Luckily she had an awesome running partner who stuck with her for every mile. Katie aka “Teach” who already in the past month completed 2 half marathons (both pr’s) and a CrossFit competition in which she cleaned 100 lbs decided, “Hey F*#k it I’ll do another one” these are her words not mine. JK JK she is polite as a peach ( that doesn’t make sense but I’m going old school type writer style, once the ink is on the page it’s to late).
They both finished just a shade under 3 hours with a 10 min bathroom break. Who knew that at an all woman’s half marathon there would be a long line for the bathroom. Kristin who has a bladder made of iron finished roughly ten minutes prior.
Also one of our OG athletes Jenna Shultz ran as well for a time of 1:42, for a 7 min pr. Jenna has taken a break training with us for school and cheerleading, but word on the streets is she is coming back soon. Every week it seems like we have an athlete competing in one event or another, and it’s the day to day grind where they get 1% better per training session that results In their desired results. Keep training hard errrrry body.
Mek I’ll see you back on the platform soon. Next up is a Olympic weightlifting comp.
-Coach Jerry

04/29/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit Gyms

Back Squat (5×5 Three sec decent – as heavy as possible)

1000m Row (Time)

Max Effort 1000m Row

Coaches’ Notes:

The first event of the 2013 CrossFit games was a half marathon row, which I  still have yet to do ( for obvious reasons) was a surprise to everyone. I never even pondered rowing that much ( for obvious reasons which will now be known as FOR for the rest of this blog). The kicker to this was the first 2 k was scored which mad people go hard out of the gate when normally you would want to pace it FOR ( I had to use it at least once). This was only the first of many WODs over the weekend to find out who was the fittest in earth. Give a clicky below to see this horror of WOD go down.  I WILL do this one day, I said it via the internet so it has to be true. 

04/28/2014 Best CrossFit in Haddonfield

CrossFit Turbocharged – Best CrossFit in Haddonfield

Snatch (Max snatch from the power position + hang snatch )

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

Push ups x 10 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
100 Meter Run

Coaches’ Notes:

Over the weekend coach Danielle competed in her third Olympic weightlifting meet (my second as her coach) and once again she Improved on her already nationally qualified total. This time she added 1 kilo to each lift. She hit 76 kilos( 167 lbs) on snatch and 93 kilos ( 204 lbs) on clean and jerk.

What I would really like to highlight is the mental toughness it took for her to get there. So for those unfamiliar with the meet set up, you have 3 attempts for each lift and once you attempted a given weight you cannot take weight off the bar. So on her first snatch attempt she missed 70 kilos which even the most positive of people would have a tough time overcoming. Many people miss their other two attempts after missing the first. She came back off the platform put the first left behind her and got ready for the next attempt. We added 1 kilo to the bar to buy a bit more time and she went out and smoked 71 kilos easy. Now that we were on the board we decided to go for a one kilo competition pr at 76 kilos ( she hit 75, 2 weeks prior). The pressure was on to hit a new pr. She stood at the bar and dug her foot into the ground like a baseball slugger and knocked it out of the park having patience in the bottom before she stood tall with it.

Next up was clean n jerk and her game face was on, ready to DOMINATE, which happened to be written on my notebook which timed her warm ups with the first lift in the platform. So after warmups with Danielle Whimbash ( aka d dub) helping count lifts we sat next to the platform as another girl ( damn I wish I knew her name) out of CrossFit Nittany was about to take her last lift, one which if made would qualify her for the American open. Ashley Henning ( just went the CrossFit Nittany’s Facebook and got it, man that would have bothered me) got some positive words sent to her from Danielle and I before she went out and she got it!!! I knew that would fire Danielle up and she went out and hit 88 kilos with ease. Next up was 92 kilos which would be a meet tying pr which she ended up missing the jerk. Once again knowing how to fix the problem we decided to go up one kilo to go after another pr. She went out, made and even easier clean, corrected the fix that caused her to miss the previous jerk, and landed solid and nailed 93 kilos. We also had Rosa( fresh off of her own pr via snatch at barbell club) come out to rep the team and coach nick who is a legend when he coaches at meets help us tear shit up.

I truly love coaching, especially on game day. 3 weeks in row I have been lucky enough to be able to express that with two lifting meets and a CrossFit comp. thanks to everyone who i coached because you guys/gals get it. You listen to all the coaches and push the rest of team beyond what we require of you. I got nothing left here to say except I think I missed my calling as a writer hahaha. Well Maybe I will live and good enough life so that someone will write about me.

04/26/2014 Cherry Hill’s Best CrossFit

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill’s Best CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Workout of the Day

In teams of four, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of:

Run 200 Meters
Push-Ups x 20 reps
Walking Lunges with Dumbbells x 25 Yards
Box Jumps x 20 reps

Teams must rotate stations as a team, with only one team member working at each station. You cannot begin working on your next task until all team members have completed their station tasks and are ready to move one. Thus, you must work as a team, communicate effectively and motivate your teammates to keep moving throughout the 24 minutes.

04/25/2014 Cherry Hill CrossFit 21 Day Free Trial

CrossFit Turbocharged – Cherry Hill CrossFit 21 Day Free Trial

Hang Power Clean (6×1)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


“Just Nine Minutes”

Three sets for max reps of:

60 seconds of Hang Power Clean
60 seconds of Front Squat
60 seconds of Push Press
60 seconds of Rest

(Prescribed loads are 95 lbs. for men and 65 lbs. for women – light enough to make continuous motion a reasonable goal. Scale up or down as you see fit.)

04/24/2014 CrossFit Workouts Cherry Hill

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

Workout of the Day

Five sets of:

Run or Row 400 Meters
Rest 20 seconds
Toes to Bar x 15
Rest 20 seconds
Side Plank Left x 60 seconds
Side Plank Right x 60 seconds

04/23/2014 CrossFit Classes in Cherry Hill

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit Classes in Cherry Hill

Snatch ( In 8 sets or less, build to today’s 1-RM)

Metcon (Time)

3 sets for times of:

5 Thrusters 135/95
10 American KB Swings 32kg/24kg
20 Double Unders
Rest 90 Seconds

Followed by:

500 meter row for time

Coaches’ Notes:

Coaches Notes:

Not much to report today…except for the fact that you guys kick ass!

It takes discipline, skill, courage and on and on to compete.  But, it takes more of all of those when you are competing outside of your box and when you are separated from certain people on your team due to multiple competition locations.

I am impressed what you guys are doing and am of course, very proud.  And, not just proud of those who placed or did particularly well, but proud of everyone…proud of the team..proud of our passionate coaches.  ‘Chargers never seem to disappoint (that was easier than writing out super and turbo, yet, I’ve written even more just by writing this).

I’ll just quickly give some quick shout outs for those who competed in the 2014 Festivus Games.  But, if I miss you, it’s only because this is off of the top of my head from chatting with the coaches…

Brief Notables in no particular order:

  • Everett P- 1st place men’s beginner (he’s shown the drive and desire to make it happen since day 1
  • Mark G- 4th place WOD 1
  • John Groce-225 Clean pr
  • Lefagus W- 200 Clean pr
  • Jay A-  1st place in the 1K row
  • Allison O- competed in her first competition with an excellent display of heart and solid movement through out all 4 WOD’s.
  • Danielle Wimlish- Was rockin’ 185 clean attempts from the power position.  Didn’t get full lock out, but come on…this girl is something else!
  • Katie Teevan- Pr’d her 1k row and then did a PERFECT clean at 100lbs.
  • Andrew Angelucci-  got a 50lb clean pr!  That’s rediculous!  I think it was 255lbs or 265lbs (Andrew tell us the exact amount on the FB group page)

These are just some of the things that went down.  Things that make me and the coaches equally as proud are people like Bob Clements powering through an AMRAP and then being right there to cheer everyone on and keep them fired up.  This IS a team sport!  

Then we have David G who kills it every time, Rey R. who is nailing the dubs that have been his nemesis until now  and Jen H. (just watched a great vid of her cleaning) who always put it on the line and don’t miss a chance to compete.  I know I am missing some of you, but we’ll do a full write up with more detail.  But, again…gratitude and congrats goes out to not only the coaches, but all of the staff member as well.  

Unfortunately, there is also a bit of sad news I have to share with you today…one of our CrossFit Supercharged OG’s, master motivator, the guy you love to train and train with, Ricardo “Ricky” Ospino, will be moving to New York.   Ricky is a special type of person.  He has goals.  He has a vision and when he makes an action plan, he goes full steam ahead.  While we are excited for him and for his next venture in life (in which we have no doubts he will be successful at), boy is it tough to say good bye to such an awesome teammate.

Ricky, you will always be considered a part of our family and don’t think we don’t expect you to visit often.  You aren’t that far away.  Seriously though, we wish him the best and want to express our gratitude for being the kind of CrossFitter coaches want to coach, the type of CrossFitter that newbies want to emulate and the type of CrossFitter who has the ability to always put a smile on your face.

We will miss you brother!

~Coach Brad

04/22/2014 CrossFit Classes in Cherry Hill

CrossFit Turbocharged -CrossFit Classes in Cherry Hill

Kipping (or DUBs)

Metcon (Time)

For time:

30 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
20 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
10 Pull-Ups

Coaches’ Notes:

We are so proud of everyone’s performance this past weekend at the Festivus Games. We will give a full breakdown of what went down in tomorrow’s blog post.

In the meantime, check out the Partner WODs for the Duo’Charged Throwdown on May 10th 2014

Duo’Charged Throwdown WODs

Any questions, just ask a Coach and we will fill you in.


04/21/2014 CrossFit Workouts Cherry Hill NJ

CrossFit Turbocharged – CrossFit

Deadlift (4×5)

Rest :30
Strict HSPU’s x 10

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


Six sets for max reps of:

20 seconds of Kettlebell Swings
10 seconds of Rest
20 seconds of Burpees
10 seconds of Rest